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Thursday, May 3, 2012

New Features in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

April 26th was a very big day for Ubuntu users as it marks the release of Precise Pangolin (12.04), which is very important for Ubuntu because:

1. It is an LTS release.
2. It is the first LTS release with Unity.
3. The focus of this release has been tweaking and polishing Unity so that it qualifies for LTS status.
So why should one install Precise Pangolin? Well, for one there are a plethora of useful new features with this release:

Note: I know this is quite late but I was half finished with this article on release date before I got a gigantic amount of assignments.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How to record your ouput sound using outrec

You hear a sound playing in the background that is not available as a sound file but you really want it save it as one. Thankfully for these kinds of situations there have a program called outRec that will do the job for you.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How to create an animated gif from a video using mplayer

Animated gifs are EVERYWHERE on the internet. If you didn't know how already, the creation of an animated gif is quite simple on Linux using mplayer from the command line.

Friday, March 30, 2012

One thing Firefox can do that Chrome can't

According to the latest statistics from Statcounter, Google Chrome has beaten Firefox in terms of Market Share and is rapidly closing in on IE, thanks to Google's marketing, its interface, speed and an extension collection that rivals Firefox's. Other sources (Netapplications, W3schools) also report that Google Chrome is still on the rise.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A look at IBM Lotus Symphony

Version 3.0

IBM Lotus Symphony is a free Office Suite available on Windows, Mac and Linux. The project began in 2007 and is basically a modified version of Though active, it still uses Openoffice 3.0 as its base. The developers seem to be focusing on stability and have released 3 "fix-packs" for Symphony 3.0 last year instead of newer versions. After the Libreoffice/Openoffice split, Symphony will continue to be based on the "official" version of Openoffice maintained by Apache.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Opera : The most innovative web browser in history

Opera is a web browser known for originality. speed and innovation. Here are just some of the features that Opera has brought to web-browsing:

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tips to get you started with Lyx part 2

I wrote Tips to get you started with Lyx a year ago. I've always wanted to do a follow-up article and so here it is. For those who don't know about Lyx or LaTeX, you should check out my previous articles here and here.