Animated gifs are EVERYWHERE on the internet. If you didn't know how already, the creation of an animated gif is quite simple on Linux using mplayer from the command line.
Step 1: Install mplayer.
It should be available in your repositories.
Step 2: Preview the gif
CODE: mplayer -ao null -ss 0:03:33 -endpos 15 filename.mpg
What it means:
mplayer -ao null -ss 0:03:33 [Startposition h:mm:ss] -endpos 15 [duration of gif] filename.mpg [Name of video file]
Step 3: Create the output
CODE: mplayer filename -ao null -ss 0:04:15 -endpos 15 -vo gif89a:fps=13:output=animated.gif -vf scale=240:180
What it means:
mplayer filename [Name of video file]-ao null -ss 0:04:15 [Startposition h:mm:ss] -endpos 15 [duration of gif] -vo gif89a:fps=13 [frames per second]:output=animated.gif [Name of ouput file] -vf scale=240:180 [Dimensions of gif file]
Here is a sample gif that I did using the same code
Source: Michael Jackson's HIStory tour in Copenhagen 1997
I hope this was useful for you.
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