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Thursday, April 19, 2012

How to record your ouput sound using outrec

You hear a sound playing in the background that is not available as a sound file but you really want it save it as one. Thankfully for these kinds of situations there have a program called outRec that will do the job for you.

outRec is a small program that basically records the output sound of your computer and saves it as sound file (ogg or mp3). It is only available on Linux. In this article I'll just briefly show you where to download it and how to use it.

1. Installation

outRec can be downloaded as a .deb or .tar.gz file from the outRec sourceforge website. On Ubuntu you can add the following repository:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:techm3/outrec
sudo apt-get install outrec

2. Usage

Whilst the sound that you wish to record is playing, press record and then press stop. You can preview the sound using the play button and also export the recorded sound as an mp3 and ogg file. The sound file is saved under /home/you/outRec.


[1] outRec website

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